Tuesday, November 27, 2012

nearly to the 'end of the line'

well after leaving Mudgee it was an overnight stop at Gerry's Plains where we took advantage of a 'rest area' and spent a pleasant night with some kangaroos and wallabies close by, even though we were in the village itself.
Our next destination was Fullerton Cove near Williamtown where we spent a couple of nights camped out in the grounds of our good friends Betty and John.  Betty and I went to school together and John and Lawrie both worked on the railway back before we married.  That was where Betty and John met so we need to keep touch with them to make sure that old 'match up' is still going strong.
Love you both.

Heading back north we are presently in residence at Hallidays Point van park, great place to stay, near Foster / Tuncurry in NSW.  Our daughter Deanne and family recently moved to Diamond Beach just 5mins away so we are having some fun times with our granddaughter Lily.  Now 5 and starting school next year she is really growing up but still the same ball of energy.  All though during a walk to the local shop yesterday she informed me on the return that she was 'running out of energy and would need a drink to replace it'.  Of course the wish had been that we would turn around and return to the shop for a drink but being the hard hearted 'grammy' that I am we completed the trip back to the fruit juice in the van.  A swim in the pool and playing soccer with grandpop soon brought the smiles back.
first the sunscreen....even on the toes!

well water is always fun

even 'poppy' enjoyed the jumping pillow


We leave here tomorrow and will take just a couple of days to return home to Brissie, and then settle back into surburban life for a couple of months during the 'silly season'.  The van park folk told us they have 84 check in's here on Boxing Day.  They can all have it to them selves.

We have been away just over half the year during 2012 and 2013 doesn't look as if it will be any different.  Oh well....if not.....why not!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Rylestone - Mudgee - Gulgong

Leaving Bathurst with showers everywhere and a little cool we headed off once more....again not very far.  We had thought we might 'freebie' beside the river at Sofala however when we checked it out and with the rain, deep in the mountains, we decided to give it a miss and drive on to Rylestone instead. 
Sofala main street

mural on a gateway in the main street

Sofala is a small village, founded during the gold rush of the 1870's.  Hard to believe that thousands of folk had settled there to try their hand at finding a fortune when you see it now.  Lovely to see some of the old buildings still surviving however.  Weekends would be a popular time for tourists on a day or weekend trip away from Sydney.  With such narrow streets the traffic would be interesting!!

Heading back up away from the river the road was quite steep and poor old Bruiser was really working up those mountains.  The countryside was green and there were lots of cattle and sheep around.  As this wasn't a main highway the traffic was lighter and that was a blessng with rain and steep climbs and descents.
Finally into Kandos, a small settlement, but great take away food!!  Lunch was enjoyed parked down beside the railway station that now houses a restaurant.  There is a large cement works on the edge of town and we saw the cableway that was used to ferry the limestone from the nearby quarry to the cement plant.  We found out however that the plant had closed not too long ago and that would have a been a loss to the area.
cableway across the road at Kandos

Rylestone was only another 7km on and the little caravan park was beside the golf course and was a great place to park for a few days whilst we explored.  Old buildings along the main street, many now used as eateries and craft shops, again enticing those weekend escapees from the city.  Also being only about 50km south west of Mudgee, a well known wine region, it would be sure to have lots of passers by.

Next stop was Mudgee, again only a short drive and we settled into the caravan park just one street away from the main street so easy access for a stroll around the streets to admire those 19th century buildings.  You cannot help but admire the architecture and craftsmanship of those old time builders.  Needless to say we found a bakery and as it was lunchtime and someone's birthday how could I refuse him.  Yummy!!  just as well we had to walk back to the van, helped ease the conscience!
Mudgee Railway Station 1884

Gulgong (town on the original $10 note) only being 26km from Mudgee was a day out and lunch at a bakery, why are you surprised? they are everywhere in these little country towns.
Lots of beautiful old buildings and they are an active community working on promoting their region.

check out the Hotel's balcony 'decoration'!

wonder how much gold went through these doors?

once busy shops in the town

Mayne Street Gulgong, streets are narrow as they are built on the original 'tent' lines

Gulgong's 'tiny' house

fantastic place to visit, allow plenty of time

the Opera House where Dame Nellie Melba performed.
Still in use today for performances

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Well what can I say, we only drove 45kms from Oberon and saw vans parked in the showground so decided to stay a couple of days.  Even had the entertainment of a trotting meeting on our first night.
Bathurst Court House built 1886

Railway Station built 1872

sunset at Bathurst, obviously under flight paths

1st race at the weekly trotting meeting
and of course where else must you go in Bathurst????

and yes the road really does drop away in the esses
then there is the Motor Racing Museum at the entrance to the raceway
where the King of the Mountain is honoured in bronze
and inside there is a whole area dedicated to Peter Brock
then you could imagine what it would be like doing laps in these 

but then there are lots of more modern vehicles as well as motor bikes and open wheelers
fabulous place to visit and easy to spend a couple of hours there

Albury - Coolamon - Canberra - Oberon

Canberra was a stop over to visit with our younger son Mark and his family.
We have played tourist here a few times before so this time no so much sightseeing as 'visiting'.

beautiful buildings at Coolamon

original Post Office at Marrah

Marrah church
Cootamundra countryside

railway yards at Cootamundra
(must remember he was a train driver when we met!!)
Lake Lyall west of Lithgow

load of Radiata Pine logs for complex at Oberon
pine complex at Oberon
employs 600, little unemployed in the district
town population 3000, shire population 5000
pine made into mdf board, building frames and trusse etc

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Albury - Lake Hume - Murray Valley Highway

Lake Hume weir releasing through 3 outlets to continue the Murray River
Lake at 95% capacity

Murray River above Lake Hume at base of Snowy Mts

Looking towards the Snowy Mts from the Vic side of the Murray

Murray again above the Lake

The historic trestle bridge

nature always reclaims

yes another bakery, this one in Wodonga
the world's biggest rolling pin.....and it was turning too!!

original Post Office in Albury

Sunday, November 4, 2012

more along the mighty Murray River

After leaving Swan Hill we travelled down the Murray Valley Hway to Lake Mogo....a great distance of nearly 15km!!  This lake was the site of the 'repair garage' for the mighty Catalina Flying Boats during the 2nd WW.  The museum wasn't open when we arrived....too early for them, so we could only walk around and imagine the area during the 1940's.  The 2 ton 'anchor' blocks on display gave clues to what it would have been like back then along with the 'underground' communications bunker that has been restored and is visible from the carpark.
Catalina Museum at Lake Mogo

2ton anchors that had bouys attached to hold the flying boats whilst they waited for repair

The flying boat repair base was set up here following the bombing of the fleet at Roebuck Bay by the Japanese in Broome where the planes had assisted with the evacuation of Java. 
more roses at Kerang, and yes we did indeed visit the Bakery

Further along the highway we passed through Kerang and Cohuna and then on to Echuca where it was very busy.  No place to be trying to drive leisurely around town.  Lots of tourists from buses seemed to be around so we filled with fuel and headed out finding ourselves a campsite beside the Goulburn River.  A couple other travellers joined us for the night and then next day we were on our way to find a spot beside the river near Yarrawonga where we have stayed for the weekend.  Lots of river traffice of all sorts passing by, canoe, blow up dinghy, jet ski and power boats of all shapes and sizes.  We have even had trail bike riders coming past along with quite a few vehicles, some silly enough to have the children hanging on the outside as they drive along the track.  Oh yes we all remember the fun of that years ago but where is the 'responsible' adult thinking of safety?  Certainly not driving the vehicle.
view of the bend in the Murray we get to sit and look at
late in the afternoon wallabies came down onto the beach

Dinner was cooked in the camp oven last night and this afternoon we plan on having damper twisties with syrup.  First real chance of having a fire so we are using up some of the wood we have carried from home.
Off tomorrow to cross into NSW and along to Albury for a couple of nights.

Ah....life is good.
looking downstream from our campsite