Thursday, March 14, 2013

our Fiji adventure

Smooth flight across from Brisbane, just under 4 hours to Nadi.  Hired our car and were on our way to the Outrigger (about 85kms from Nadi).  Drove through Nadi just after 5pm and man what 'fun' that was.  Road rules you say.....what road rules.  Max speed on the 'highway' was 80kph and 50kph through towns and villages.  Unfortunately Fiji suffered a cyclone late last year and it is evident that roads were damaged and the repairs are still to be attended to .....or not.
this was the view from our room.
the lagoon is tidal and the waterway beside us fills and empties along with the tides.
the beach is coarse sand and crushed coral so you more put your shoes 'on' to walk on the beach than take them off.  The waves break on the coral reef and thus create the 'lagoon'.
The people are just magic, ok they work at the resort and they are probably 'told' to be that way but the friendly smile and 'Bula' (hello) whenever you pass someone is infectious.  When we arrived back in Australia only 1 employee at the airport said 'welcome home' whereas over there even driving through villages the locals call out 'bula' to you.
male dancers at the 'Meke' (Fiji dance and song) 

note the 'tapa' cloth hanging behind the performers
this is made from the white mulberry tree, the wood is chopped into pieces and added to boiling water and is then 'cooked'.  Once softened it can be beaten out and stretched into a 'fabric'.
Tapa cloth is worn for weddings, on birthdays and to wrap the deceased members of a village
the designs are only ever of brown or black and some villages colour the cloth itself by smoking it.  This gives a rich brown colour.

the leader of the group had an interesting scar in the middle of his back from.....?

fire dancers performed outside for us
this is the ceiling of the 'chapel' and it is lined with tapa cloth

this is a tourist bus at Port Denarau near Nadi

Chinese fishing boats in Suva harbour

ocean view bures at the resort

mountain range travelling north of Nadi towards Lautoka

view from reception at Outrigger
our favourite coffee shop was up here and who could not enjoy a coffee (and cake for Lawrie) sitting with this view.  I would even be happy to return to work here)
Fiji has 333 islands and a total population of around 850,000.  
Suva the capital is the largest city in the Pacific Islands and has a population of around 250,000.
Most folk there live very differently to you and I but their generous spirit is humbling to see.
We thoroughly enjoyed our short visit to just one of those 333 islands and would certainly recommend it as a travel destination. 
Not a caravan or motor home in sight!! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

off to Fiji

flying out on Friday to join others at a wedding being held next Monday at the Outrigger on the lagoon resort on the Coral Coast.  Packing under way and the excitement is growing. So watch this space