Sunday, May 1, 2011

Final days in Penshurst Victoria

Another drive to Hamilton took us out to explore the two waterfalls close by.  We were given directions by a local and evidently the falls can at times not have much water so they were hopeful that they would be running for us.  Nigretta Falls and Wannon Falls both located on the Wannon River, did not fail to satisfy our hopes. 
Nigretta Falls

Wannon Falls
                           Imagine these after heavy wide would they be?
 There is a camping area at Wannon and there were a couple of vehicles (motorhomes) set up when we arrived.  Not far from town this would be a great ‘free’ camping area.  There is a walking track that takes you around to the river above Wannon falls and this is quite pretty.  You could imagine having a cool dip on a hot summer’s day.  However today was not summer and the water was decidedly cool!   
Wannon River above the falls
We had heard earlier from someone that this area around Hamilton is the most densely populated area with sheep in the world.  I am not sure if this is fact or not but you certainly see them everywhere you drive.  In town you will find the Big Wool Bales however they were closed when we arrived.  Looked like the usual souvenir and café type place so we could only admire from the outside.
The Big Bales

The weather has been great for the last couple of days however a change had arrived by the weekend and light showers keep us at home.  Time to catch up with some knitting and keeping warm in the van.  Lawrie is enjoying his Suduko puzzles and we are also checking out the dvd we have showcasing the area down along the coast to Mt Gambier which is where we are heading off to next week. 

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