Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday 6th April 2011

We said goodbye to Swansea yesterday and made our way further up the east coast.  Bicheno was our first port of call approximately 60km north of Swansea.  As the view shows a great spot for our cuppa.  The area was first settled by the whalers and seal hunters as they sought shelter from the ferocious seas in the little harbour.  There were quite a few fishing boats moored in the harbour and there were folk fishing from a breakwall just in front of where we were sitting.  Beautiful clear water and white sand has continued up the coast and you can understand why the area is popular with holiday makers and fisher folk alike.  More picture postcard scenery.
Bicheno coastline

St Helens is our next stop and although not much of a trip (in distance) from Swansea we hope to be able to stay there for a few nights.  We decide to go and check out the free camping sites north of the town to see what was on offer.  Cosy Corner North (15km north of town) in the Bay of Fires is where we find a campsite just waiting for us.  There were 5 different camping sites along the bay but we headed for the northernmost first and would then make our way back towards town in nothing was available or suitable.  As we are totally self-contained we just need the camping space and nothing else.  Words cannot do this spot justice so I will simply let the photos tell the story. 
We were only going to stay 2 nights as there is a fishing competition here at St Helens starting on Thursday however, with such a delightful setting we have decided to stay another night before moving on towards Scottsdale.  We can go into town and top up for supplies etc and then sit and enjoy this amazing place.  The weather is perfect with clear skies and sunshine you can enjoy soaking up.
our campsites front door - Binnalong Bay

campfire for the damper

the finished product....yummy

called the Bay of Fires because of the red lichen covering the rocks

such clear water

more scenic sights

rocks we clambered over - looking south

out to the headland for a sit and soak of the beauty - this is looking north

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