Saturday, September 10, 2011

farewell to Darwin

The pool became the attraction around 5pm each day and I quite enjoyed the refreshed relaxation following the swim. 
a friend at the park in Darwin near the washing machine

 During our week here we caught up quite often with Lola and Norm (Lawrie’s sister and husband) and enjoyed some drives around the surrounding areas.  Our last afternoon we went for a picnic tea out at Berry Springs.  What a lovely place and again the water felt so inviting.  This will be somewhere we will definitely visit next trip and the togs will go with us.   We were not prepared this time for a swim so could only stand in the water and imagine what it would be like. 

ooh that feels good

Saturday arrives and it is pack up time and ‘on the road again’.  Lola and Norm came out to the park to wish us farewell (or was that to make sure we left).  Morning tea was at Comalie Creek rest area and again the water was running and crystal clear.  It was evident how high the water had been after heavy rains due to the debris still up the trees along the bank.  The water felt great but no time for a dip and after all, are there any crocs around?  Something that we are very conscious of when it comes to waterways in the NT. 
We had hoped to do a free camp before Katherine and turning westward, however our venture down a track to the Edith River resulted in an adventure all of its own and hopefully never to be repeated.  Deciding that we should backtrack from the river for a suitable camp site, we attempt to turn around.  Well about 30mins later and with the help of another camper and his 4wd, we exit the sandy rock track we had become stuck in.  Bruiser on his own would have been no trouble however when it came to turning with Destiny behind and limited space the momentum was not enough to allow a smooth ‘about face’.  Digging rocks and sand away from the wheels and unburying the tow hitch was quite something and one I didn’t dare suggest I take a photo of!!  Thanks must go to Vic from Perth who was camped beside the river and offered his assistance without reward.  Lawrie had wanted to try out his snatch strap to see how good it might be however I must confess I was glad to accept the offer of help.  With unhitching the van Lawrie was able to drive Bruiser out and Vic attached to Destiny and brought her out for us.  After all that excitement we decided to go on into Katherine and stay the night at a van park and take the time to have a good check around the vehicles before heading out.  Lawrie was happy with his investigations and relaxed and enjoyed dinner.  We need to ensure that we have no remaining fresh fruit and veg before hitting the W A border in about 3 or 4 days.  Finishing the bottle of honey we have is not possible but that should be the only thing we will have to forfeit at the border inspection so it is all systems go for heading off tomorrow.

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