Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Nowra and onto Cessnock

Monday saw us on the road again to travel back up the coast to Nowra, less than 100km away.  We were to park in the front yard of fellow vanners we met last Easter at Preston in Victoria.  We had stayed in touch during the intervening 12mths so not too much catching up to do.
one of the many bays we walked around at Huskisson

wouldn't you know he would find one!!

some locals we met up with
who said I always obey!

Robbie and Laurie (yes another one) were wonderful hosts and took us off each day to explore the local countryside.  Tuesday we toured coastal areas visiting Culburra Beach, Huskisson and Vincentia on Jervis Bay.  The weather was great (but still needed our jackets) and photo opportunities were everywhere.

just one of the crossings we enjoyed

looking down into Kangaroo Valley

Wednesday we did the waterfall drive up through Kangaroo Valley.  We visited the Fitzroy, Belmore and Carrington Falls all falling from the same sandstone escarpment but each beautiful in their own way.  With the recent rainfall this area had experienced the falls were running well.  The vegetation was thick and lush and the scenery as we drove around the valley was just magic.  Another fantastic day and a big thanks to Laurie and Robbie for their generosity and hospitality.  Hopefully they will make it up to Brisbane some time and we can return the gift.
Belmore Falls
Carrington Falls
Fitzroy Falls

Hampden Bridge in Kangaroo Valley

sunset on a great day

Thursday saw us saying goodbye to our friends and setting off back to Cessnock and family.  We had a leisurely drive back up through Kangaroo Valley to Bowral, site of the Don Bradman Oval.  The drive up the mountain towing Destiny was no big drama as Lawrie was able to find spots to pull over and allow trailing traffic to pass without much difficulty.  That way we hoped to keep the image of caravanners as ‘considerate’ drivers.  We enjoyed a cuppa in Bowral parked at the oval where we have stopped many times previously.  There is a wonderful cricket themed museum in the old clubhouse and for those interested in the game it is a ‘must’ visit place.
trees in Bowral
With it being Autumn I loved the trees with their vibrant colours and tried to snap photos as we left the town to drive on to Mittagong (more trees) before going onto the highway to head towards Sydney.  With the M7 and M2 we now only have 8km to travel on Pennant Hills Road before getting to the Newcastle Freeway and away from the suburban roads of the city.  From there it was an easy drive to the Cessnock turnoff.  We will be staying there for 10 days and spending the time with the family and enjoying time with our 5yr old granddaughter Lily.  
now grandma not like that

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