Saturday, June 25, 2011

having an interesting time out here in Yeundumu during our first week.

Well the shop operates 8am to 8pm, 7days a week and Lawrie and I have been there a lot of that time. 
Helping with clearing up, recording stock ready for stocktake next Tuesday and even playing at being Chef for a day making steak sandwiches, bacon and egg toasties, cooking chips etc for the first time in my life.  Just shows there is always room for a 'first' no matter what the age.
We are enjoying the experience and certainly doing something 'different'.
Have no phone out here but do have the internet so hope friends and family are doing a 'read' now and again and will know what we are up to.
Visited a 'craft' evening last Monday and will be teaching how to knit tomorrow afternoon at another craft get together so of course I am in my element.  There can never be too many knitters in the world.

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