Saturday, July 16, 2011

sunset over the Western Tanami Desert

Still here at Yuendumu and have had another couple of turns in the kitchen.  Have become more proficient at bacon and egg toasties along with hot chips and steak burgers.
Mostly now though I am helping in the office so feel much more at home, have even used a calculator....again.  Those skills from 17yrs of finance in my past haven't been forgotten after all.
We are enjoying our time out here, Lawrie is helping with various tasks around the town and enjoying the time being spent with his brother in law Norm and nephew Malcolm.  What an experience we are having.
the road to the local rubbish dump

but check out what is growing beside the road

Today late in the afternoon we went for a drive approximately 10km west of town to a rock formation known at the Water Dreaming rocks (Juka Juka) The light late in the day was magic, and as we got to stay for sunset I will let the photos speak for themselves.
Juka Juka

looking north from our position up high on Juka Juka

sun starting to go down behind cloud

red glow starting on the horizon

sun starting to reappear from behind the cloud

finally setting

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