Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Friends at Yuendumu

We are still enjoying the hospitality of this outback community.  Maybe another couple of weeks and we will be saying goodbye to this special spot in our great centre.
I am still helping out with office work and enjoying just doing the hours I feel like.  Wonderful life being a volunteer!  There is a new part time cook arrived and he has removed the necessity to help out in the kitchen and play 'chef'.  After all I am far more comfortable in an office situation.

Lawrie is still helping Malcolm around the community and also enjoying trips to the dump where the matches can come out to burn the cardboard boxes from the shop.  Not many dumps where you can still do that.  Of course some of the best times have been spent sitting around the fire at night in the cut down 44 gallon drum outside the van, under a gum tree with the stars above.  We have collected firewood on the trips to the dump and then at the weekend Cherylynn, Matilda and I had afternoon tea with billy tea and toast made on the fire.  What a way to relax at the weekend. 

To then top it off on Sunday we went back out to the Cloud Dreaming rocks for a visit and then went back to the dam nearby and set up for a sausage sizzle with bacon and onion and billy tea.  Whilst there we were visited by a young horse who wanted to take a drink at the dam.  How special was this?
Check out our photos and see what a wonderful time we are having out here at Yuendumu.

How's this for friendship at bedtime?

the two of us at the Cloud Dreaming rocks

the brumby filly that came to visit

checking us out before she went back into the bush

not much water left in the dam now

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