Sunday, August 21, 2011

time for leaving Yuendumu

at last the time has come to prepare for moving on.
We are leaving here on Tues 23rd Aug to travel as far as Tilmouth Roadhouse where we plan to stop over so as to give the van and vehicle a really good scrub.  Tilmouth is the start of the bitumen to Alice, albeit single lane for some distance but nonetheless bitumen.  We hope to be able to wash off all the red dust that has accumulated during our 9week stay out here.
We have had a magic time and thoroughly enjoyed our adventure.  Lawrie has seen many wild horses and cattle and even today we went for our last sausage sizzle with the family out beside another water hole and there were two bulls out there and a horse. 
He has been taken to spots around here that very few white men have visited as he was along on a trip where Malcolm took an elder out to visit past camp spots of the Walpiri people.  They are hoping to reopen some of these camps as some folk would prefer to be out there away from any nonsense that might happen in the community.  The main things needing attention is water and electricity supply so grants will be applied for to see if repairs can be carried out.
I have continued to be helping out in the office for a few hours most days and the balance of my time has been spent knitting and spinning.  I have been able to attempt and complete a baby rug using a new kind of knitting (to me) and now it will wing it's way to Brisbane for a new baby due in mid September.

a rug using Entrelac style

Time now to start another project although I have plenty of fleece to still be spun so maybe I should focus on that for a while.

We have enjoyed many beautiful sunsets out here and here is another one taken out the window of our van.  I was just a bit late getting the camera out as the sun had been directly behind the tree in the distance and looked quite special.

Lots of washing to be done tomorrow and packing away of various things that have come out and stayed out during our 9 weeks.

The replacement windscreen has been organised and is booked for Thurs morning in Alice and the service for Bruiser is set for Friday morning.  I hope to arrange a hairdressing appointment for sometime during our few days as I would like to have a trim and colour done before we head out again.  The ears are getting itchy (sign of hair growing longer) and the grey is showing through the streaks done down at Scottsdale in Tasmania.  Gee that seems so long ago but was only early April.
Well I guess it is 6 months since we left home so time is passing.
Now for the next part of the adventure.

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