Sunday, October 16, 2011

Airing of the Quilts at Northampton

What a lovely country town Northampton is.  We spent the night camping at the ‘most haunted house in WA’ at Oakabella Station Homestead just south of the town which is a sheep and wheat property that is still farmed by the same family from the original settlement in the late 1800’s.  We enjoyed a stroll around the grounds and explored some of the old buildings built of stone.  The wind was still blowing and the flies were still maintaining their ‘stickability’ so you have to wonder at the tenacity of those workers on the land enduring these conditions day after day.
                                                  roses edging the street in town

After a ‘ghost’ free night we found a parking spot in town and started to wander and check out the various stalls set up in each of the parks.  The buildings in the main street were displaying quilts of all sizes and designs both inside and out so the wander along the footpath was quite delightful.  We enjoyed chatting to some of the locals and hearing about their life in this town just north of Geraldton.  The quilt show is hosted by a different quilting group from WA each year and this year it is Bridgetown’s ‘Hanging Threads’ group that have arranged a great display.  Lots of food stalls to satisfy the hunger pains, CWA ladies with tea/coffee and home baked scones along with sausages on the bbq situated at both end of the main street and then a local café catering for those that wish to sit and be served.  Shady areas under spreading trees provided picnic settings for groups who may have made the day a ‘girls day out’ and we saw lots of these.  Great weather, friendly folk and ‘craft’ from every doorway meant that I had a wonderful day…..and Lawrie enjoyed himself as well!
the roses up close and personal, and the perfume was great

1 comment:

  1. I live in Geraldton, I make quilts, and I love the Airing Of The Quilts in Northampton. Unfortunately I couldn't make it last year but am looking forward to it this year :)
