Friday, October 21, 2011

finally into Perth

Our last camp out before the big smoke is at Bindoon Hill just 95km north of Perth.  Listed in our Camps Australia book it turns out to be ‘just’ a rest area and not very inviting for an overnight stay.  On both sides of the highway there is a rest area and we note that some of the heavy semi’s coming up the hill are pulling in there for a break so we decide to try the little dirt track that runs off just before it.  Well that suited us just fine, bit of highway noise but it did quieten down later in the evening.  I was able to go for a wander along the track and find some more flowers (not yet photographed) to add to my collection.  We had a restful night and of course woke early as the trucks started coming up the hill again for a new day.  Wanting to miss the worst of peak hour traffic through the city we didn’t leave till nearly 9am and then enjoyed the trip down the highway passing through lovely green hills and wineries throughout the Swan Valley region.  Safely to our next ‘stop over’ by mid-morning we are all set up by lunch, washing under way and sitting back having a cuppa and a chat.

Perth will be home for the next couple of weeks before we head off again down south.
roses at Dallwallinu

petunias galore along the main street median strip

murals at Moora

the statue is of a draught horse to honour their contribution to settlement

the statue of a kelpie honouring the contribution he has made

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