Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kings Park

Perth city from Kings Park

State War Memorial at Kings Park

Kings Park has also been a must visit destination for us on this stop-over in Perth.  We had last been here in the 1970’s when we lived in WA and although the park has changed it has certainly been improved.  We were able to wander around and explore various areas and find names for many of the plants we have seen on our wanderings. 
scarlett banksia

ground hugging banksia

Also of course we could find up close and personal the lovely Kangaroo Paws that are the State’s symbol.  Red, yellow, green and black paws were in flower so the trigger finger was off and going again.  Showers had been around for a few days so we ventured off one morning when it looked favourable and fortunately we were worn out by the time the clouds blew back up and again dropped some rain. 

wildflowers at Kings Park

I have been fortunate to find a Spinners group and enjoyed a Melbourne Cup lunch with them, helped run their two sweeps and continued to win both sweeps!!  Never happened before during my time at work where as Finance Manager it always fell my way as an annual task.  The Atwell Spinners meet every Tuesday so again this week I was able to go along and take part in ‘rainbow dyeing’ using a microwave.  What a great time we all had.  I learnt so much and came away with my two skeins nicely coloured.   Now what am I going to make them into??  I certainly enjoyed the friendship I encountered with this wonderful group and have promised to keep in touch as we travel further on our way.
Ellie getting us started with the various colours

the skein undergoing some change

nearly completed.
now for the 'cooking' in the microwave

now to dry then......

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