Saturday, November 26, 2011

returning to Busselton

Wednesday and looking up you would think there was a storm building.  The smoke in the sky just looks like thunderheads.  This was the smoke from the devastating bushfires that claimed over 30 homes around Prevelly, just up the road from us and on the coast from Margaret River.  To think we had driven through there on Monday on our way down and had spoken of the smoke that could be seen in various areas of bushland.  There were signs up about controlled burn off being done and unfortunately that was what the fierce winds on Wednesday were to flare up to become an inferno. 

Thursday morning and we headed out having decided that we should return to the Caravan Doctor in Busselton about the troublesome brake on the left side of the van.  Lawrie had spoken to a few folk in Augusta and discussed the situation with the local mechanic so off we go back west.  The Caves Road we had driven down is cut as the fires are still raging so we decide to travel the more inland route to take us away from all the fire area.  We make an appointment to be there for 8.30am on Friday so find ourselves a site for the night and then up and out early the next morning.  We spent the next morning sitting around down at the waterfront just waiting….and waiting.  We had been going to walk out along the jetty (would be something to do) however they wanted $2.50 per person to walk it!!  I could understand the charge for riding the train that runs but to walk it….that seemed a little much, so we didn’t.  Finally just after lunch we were able to pick up Destiny and set off once again.  It seems that the brake drum needed re-machining as it had gone out ‘of round’.  Hopefully now all is fixed and we can continue with ease of mind.

Out towards Nannup and then to Boyanup and on to Bridgetown.  We drove through hilly forest areas and alongside the Blackwood River (the longest river in WA).  Timber everywhere and smoke.  Seems there is a fire that had been burning near Nannup (now under control) and the smoke was still down in the trees and valleys.  Bridgetown is to be our stop for a few days (let everyone else have the weekend we say) and so after booking in we find that the local show is on Saturday and a market near the caravan park on Sunday!  Oh well should be entertaining.

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