Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Leaving Jondaryan

Relocated Bank of NSW from Dalby at Jondaryan
Leaving Jondaryan and Dalby behind we travelled toward Tara.  Green crop fields, looked like grain of some type were standing proud in the fields.  Other than the crops however which were obviously irrigated the paddocks were quite brown and dry looking.  Hard to believe that only 18 months ago this area had been covered in flood.

Leaving Tara after a lunch break beside the lagoon, we turned west onto the Surat Development Road (staying away from the main highway) and drove at a leisurely pace able to enjoy the scenery and take in the passing colours of nature.

We decided to turn off and go and check out the small village of Meandarra that has a camp site next to Brigalow Creek with showers and toilets for travellers, for the cost of a ‘donation’.  We found the park and there were a few vans already set up but it did seem a small area and wouldn’t take much to create a ‘squashy’ feeling.   We decided to drive back out of town to check out the area where we had seem some other vans parked as we drove in.  Down behind the Bowls Club and tennis courts (again beside the creek) there were a few motorhomes and a van parked.  Lots of room with some trees for shade if needed so we decided we might spend the night here before going on. 
Brigalow Creek at Meandarra

The local ‘welcoming’ committee (Tom from one of the motorhomes) came to visit and advised that there was a ‘happy hour’ up at the van from 4pm and we were invited.   It turned out that Tom (from the Gold Coast) and Kay and Gerry (Pakenham Vic) from the van had been camping there for nearly 5 weeks and had become friends and in turn invited everyone else to come and join them.   There were toilets and hot showers available in the amenities block at the back of the tennis club and taps to fill the van from if needed so we could understand why you could comfortably stay for quite a while.

Our final morning we went for a walk across to the creek for some photos, fortunately Lawrie was well ahead and he told me that he had seen a good size red bellied black snake in the grass on the side of the bank.  Knowing me and my dread of snakes I could only be thankful that I hadn’t been in front as is usually the case.  However staying well away from that area I took some photos but of course they can never capture all that is felt in a great spot like this.  There was plenty of water in the creek and again just last year the water had been halfway up the two story hotel down in the main street during the flood.

We enjoyed the peace and tranquillity there for three nights and after exchanging contact details with the new friends we reluctantly said farewell and headed towards Surat which had been our original destination from Jondaryan.  Of course this illustrates the beauty of not being tied to a schedule and being able to take the time and stay where the desire takes you.

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