Friday, March 25, 2011

Thursday 24th March 2011

Raining again this morning and a little on the cooooool side!  Decided to make the most of it however and make a thermos and pack the picnic box and head out towards Richmond.  This is the site of one of Tasmania’s early settlements and convicts were sent there in 1820 to build a bridge to enable an easier transport of produce to Hobart Town from the many farms that had been established in the general area.  The poor pets even had to build their own gaol for their comrades who dared to try and escape.

The bridge completed in 1823 is still standing proudly today and a testament to the skill of those ‘outcasts’ sent to the penal colonies.  We enjoyed a cuppa beside the bridge and walked along and below the structure.  Was just another ‘wow’ moment.  When we were here previously we visited Richmond and photographed the bridge and fed the ducks.  Well there must be grandducks there now and certainly a great number of them.  They were all sitting quietly on the banks until someone (no not me) decided to throw some bread for them.  Well those little legs went ten to the dozen as they tried to beat each other to the next chunk.  Even seagulls appeared once the food was on.  There are many of the original buildings constructed from local sandstone blocks hewn by hand all those years ago still standing along the main street.  Bed and Breakfasts are a popular use now along with various craft outlets or eateries.  I popped into The Lace Shop to have a peek and started chatting to the owner.  Seems we were neighbours before they moved from Brissie to Richmond.  They just lived up on Manly Rd, less than 1km from us.  She was telling me that 3 of the businesses in town are now owned and run by Queenslanders.   Just another example of how small the world really is.
We enjoyed a lunch at the local bakery……yes those who know Lawrie know that is not unusual.  The texture of those thick walls and the stories they could tell just warm our hearts.  Of course being a great place to shelter from the rain showers that decided to start whilst we were there is a minor detail!  Those showers just kept up for so long we nearly had to have another cup of coffee and a piece of cake……heaven forbid!  Fortunately the showers eased enough for us to make a dash for the car without getting toooooo wet. 
The drive home of course had to be slightly different to the way we went so we decided to try a ‘shortcut’ we saw on the map.  Well yes of course we made it….eventually.  It was pretty interesting, up and down a mountain (as usual) and even dirt road.  Well that was because we missed a right turn, so now Bruiser needs another wash.  There were houses all the way scattered in the bush and you wonder how they found the sites in the first place.  Lots of water flowing in the creeks and the last couple of days of rain would have contributed.  Sure would be peace and quiet living there.

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