Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas in Port Augusta

our 'Christmassy' van

We enjoyed Christmas Eve (42 deg) just sitting around and trying to drink as many fluids as possible.  Didn’t feel like eating so a simple salad for lunch and a bowl of fresh fruit salad and ice-cream for dinner was the most we felt like.  We did make use of the pool late in the day just so that we could then sit around in our wet clothes and that helped the ‘hot’ feeling.  A southerly wind blew up as I was chopping fruit for dinner and dust started flying everywhere.  Fortunately the air then started to cool so the night was not too bad for sleeping.

Christmas morning and the breeze is cooler and still from the south so maybe today will only be the high 20’s instead of ‘hot’.  We are planning a simple day, salad for lunch with pudding and custard for Lawrie (can’t go without Christmas pudding) and then lots of fruit for the rest of the day with ice-cream and custard of course.  It has even turned out to be cool enough for me to use the oven to cook the chicken legs I had bought.

Our next door neighbours, Carol and Carlos are joining us this afternoon for a drink and a chat so for our first Christmas day spent away from family it will be a pleasant one.
HAPPY CHRISTMAS GREETINGS TO YOU who is sharing our adventure 

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