Monday, December 5, 2011

the trip to Windy Harbour and the Berry pancake adventure

The weekend became quite warm and we spent the time doing the housework and washing etc.  Monday found us doing our last ‘tourist’ things here in timber country.  We did the drive down to the coast at Windy Harbour.  The name is self-explanatory and is very true.  The day was warm and sunny and the water sparkled and the wind blew! 
Windy Harbour and the coastline

Windy Harbour is just a small settlement, no electricity just a generator supplies the power for the little houses that shelter behind the dunes that line the coastline.  There is a fishing fleet based here but we noticed today that they were all moored in the bay as I guess the water was too rough for fishing. 
Turning about we then headed back towards Northcliffe and called into the Info Centre and then drove their Forest Park trail.  This is only short but provides some picnic venues and there is also a couple of walking trails that lead off. 
twin Karri at Northcliffe

We did the Twin Karri Loop walk and enjoyed again walking through the mighty forest.  The twin karris soared upward and certainly looked unusual.  Back at our parking bay we explored the Hollow Butt Karri tree which was discovered in 1981 and was the inspiration for the development of this forest reserve adjacent to the town which could be used for the enjoyment and education of locals and visitors alike.  Just think, what must the total girth of this tree have been before it started to hollow out and therefore how old must it be?
Hollow Butt Karri tree at Northcliffe

On returning to Pemberton we treated ourselves to lunch at the Lavender and Berry Farm.  We had read and heard about the berry pancake offered out there so of course had to try it and thought we would keep the best till last. 
Lavender and Berry Farm gardens

Well they have large and small so naturally being hungry Lawrie opted for the large and myself for the small.  He had maple syrup and ice-cream and I had the hot berry sauce with ice-cream and well the taste was incredible. 
our lunch and the 'small' is at the front
Large was certainly large (as in large dinner plate size) and along with coffee he was pushing to finish.   Yumm oh!!  You are able to walk around the lavender and rose gardens, pet the miniature horses, feed the alpacas or sheep, check out the chooks and marvel at the beautiful Splendour Blue Wren that lives there and even visits the seating area and looks for crumbs etc.  What a magic little bird.
Splendour Blue Fairy Wren

As mentioned earlier, our time here in the tall timber country has been really special and we have thoroughly fallen in love with this area but journey on we must as there are still many places to go and lots to see.
Port Lincoln Parrot

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