Thursday, July 4, 2013


Canada Day 1 July celebrates the birth of the Dominion of Canada and this year was the 146th birthday. Our tour director Sue had decorated the bus in red and white balloons and we had all been given tattoos and paper flags the previous day so that we could join in the fun. There was a parade late in the afternoon and we were able to wave our flags as it passed our hotel as we waited to leave for dinner.  We visited a theatre restaurant where the show was all about music that originated in Canada with some surprises to their American cousins.  It was a lot of fun and we all enjoyed the evening.

Earlier in the day we had visited the gondola ride to the top of Sulphur Mtn for the view down on to Banff.  Now anyone who knows Lawrie well will know that he does not do heights!!!!  We had taken the Sudoku book along so that he would have something to do as neither of us thought he would ride.
Well it wasn't till we arrived that he decided to make the ride to the top (5400 ft above sea level).  Each of the cars/cages held 4 adults so the other couple with us kept him talking while I took photos!  Coming down we had another lady come down with us and I had to try and keep the 2 of them calm, so with them looking uphill and me down, talking and taking photos we made the descent.  He admits the legs felt a little weird but the worst had been going through the staunchions going up as there had been a lurch each time, however coming down had not been so bad.  My comment that now he had done that he would be able to do it next time too did not get shouts of agreement from him so.........we will see.

It was a very hot day in Banff and although there were lots of people around the locals said that numbers were quite down compared to previous years.  They think that the 300mm of rain in 3 days just over a week ago that resulted in flooding down the Bow river from Banff had made folks change their plans for the long weekend.  Heaven help us if the normal crowd had been there.

We were lucky enough to meet up with a Mountie whilst walking in the park so had our photo taken with him.  Their horses are only used for a musical display they do annually so their were no horses there for the parade.  They certainly would have been hot in their red serge coats.

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