Monday, July 1, 2013


This 230km trip took us along the Icefield Parkway and the whole distance we were surrounded by snow capped mountains.  We passed from the Jasper National Park to the Banff National Park and after crossing through the highest point we left the Athabasca River behind and instead started to see the Saskatchewn River which flows to the west unlike the other flowing to the east.
At the highest point we were 7200 feet above sea level and then descended to 5400.  We certainly noticed the effect when we were out walking around and certainly when walking uphill.  I like to think that our colds are contributing to the effect we are feeling as I am sure they aren't helping.
During the last week they have had severe rain up this way and the Bow River which flows through Banff down to Calgary caused flooding down in that area and folk were forced from their homes.  Some of our folk were planning on doing a helicopter flight over the area from here however the helicopter landing area etc has all been washed away so not this time.  After dinner tonight we went for a walk along the river path and you could see the silt on the path and debris piled against the bridge pylons.

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