Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The first for USA this park was gazetted in 1872 and is huuuuuge.   We stayed 2 nights at a hotel right on the edge of one of the lakes in the park and even though through the day was quite warm at night and early morning it became quite cool.
We enjoyed a guided walk around Yellowstone Lake with mud pots, steaming hot pools and a strong sulphur smell.
Our full day in the park was spent doing a bus trip around what is called the park's loop road, a distance of nearly 300 miles.
This took us to see other vistas of the park and also had us at Old Faithful geyser in time for us to witness an eruption.  These are now expected every 90 mins, it used to be under an hour.
There are false alarms as enticers before the geyser blows forth.

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