Saturday, March 17, 2012

Back home then off again

We had a trip home to Brisbane (Lawrie’s apt) following our time in Cessnock after having a few days with Betty and John.  Unfortunately on leaving Deanne’s I slipped on the wet front steps and landed on my left ankle.  After treating it with frozen vegies for over an hour we finally left.  Don’t believe anything is broken just some severe bruising so ice packs and rest to continue.

All good back in Brissie so then it is off back down to Betty and John’s again to be reunited with Destiny.  We enjoyed the weekend with them both and then Monday morning set off for Canberra and a week in our nation’s capital.  Weather was good for travelling, fine but not hot so we enjoyed the trip.  We stopped at the Wyong Caltex for morning tea and then reached the end of the expressway at 11.15am (good time).  Just 8km along Pennant Hills Road and then we were on to the M7 and the skirt around western Sydney.  Lunch was at a rest stop along the Hume Highway and then it was all systems ahead for Canberra with us arriving mid-afternoon.  Enough for one day so after setting up it was time for dinner, a shower and then an early night.
old Parliament House

Tuesday we were able to catch up with washing, shopping and filling up with gas.  We have learnt where to go for the important things and with Mark and Jenny both working we have the days to ourselves so we visited Belconnen centre and has some retail therapy.  I was also interested in acquiring a magnet bracelet in order to try some ‘magnet therapy’ after talking to Betty and reading her info.  Maybe it will help with the blood pressure (or arthritis) so we will see.  Nothing to lose and no harm can be done.

Armed with maps from Mark and Jenny and lots of local happening info, we headed into the city next day and more ‘retail therapy’ visiting Canberra Central shopping centre.  Only problem here is paid parking for the whole time so no leisurely stroll here unlike at Belconnen where you get the first 3hrs free. 

We enjoyed a leisurely afternoon back at the van and simply ‘chilled out’.  The weather is being kind to us and shorts and tee shirt are the order of the day.   
                                                       our new neighbours

We have some local wildlife out here including ducks and geese through the day and rabbits and kangaroos at evening and night.  One way to get rid of the stale bread as the ducks on the lake love to be fed.

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