Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cascades on the Tuross River

Thursday we decided on a short drive out to the Cascades on the Tuross River.  Just under 50km out of town we thought this wouldn’t take long and maybe we would do a roundabout trip back to Cooma.  The last 13km is through forestry and National Park so the tracks were rather interesting!  Lawrie enjoyed the challenge remembering we do not have 4wd.  We went up and down and through the forest in the clouds before finding the end of the line and the short walk down to the Cascades.  The Tuross River flows to the coast to enter the Pacific at Tuross Heads (no less). 
heading into the clouds

real Australian mountain bush

log pile along the road

top of the Cascades


bottom of the Cascades

Well after the drive there at no more than 20kph (if we were lucky), we decided that we may as well head straight back to camp as the afternoon was closing in and there was washing on the line to rescue.  The day had mainly been overcast and threatening showers but the afternoon had cleared to sunshine and fluffy clouds so all was different when we finally came down out of the clouds into the bright sunshine on our drive back to Cooma.  
Numeralla River

returning to Cooma

Cooma in the distance

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