Sunday, March 18, 2012

Canberra tit bits

sunrise over Lake Burley Griffin
Another 5.30am morning today (Sunday) and we set our selves up on the northern shore of Lake Burley Griffin to await the lift off of balloons on the last day of the festival.
Beautiful morning, chilly breeze straight off the water so we were pleased to be rugged up.
Seems however that the breeze may have been too strong as we saw 2 balloons 'stand up' but then after a while they were deflated and others did't appear.
Finally we saw 5 balloons that had taken off from the airport and that was all that took to the sky today.  We had hoped to gain pictures of the balloons over the water however not this time so now we will have to return next year and try again.
2 balloons heading for the city

Canberra will be celebrating it's 100th birthday next year so with a year of celebration it will be a good reason to come down and visit our son again.
Oh well we can always have a 'nanna' nap later today to catch up.

We leave here tomorrow and plan to head down the highway to Cooma and stay there for a few days and hopefully the weather will allow a venture up into the mountains.

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