Thursday, March 8, 2012

Setting off this time

Well the final visit to the Cardiologist has been and gone and Lawrie is 99% clear.  No need to return till April 2013 for another stress echo test to be compared to this recent one.  That should ease the 'stress' levels.

We have had a couple of days at home and the lawn has been mown and the Plumbago has been pruned, again, so now we can head off and continue our adventure.

                                  some of the orchids that have survived being left for 11 months

Our original plan had been to head for the Murray however with all the recent rain and flooding throughout NSW we have changed our minds and decided to stay away from there for now.  There is always 'next' time.

All going well we head back out tomorrow morning back to Newcastle to be reunited with Destiny and then heading to Canberra to visit our younger son and family.  We have been advised of the Hot Air Balloon Festival being on next week so that should be a spectacle to behold (weather permitting).

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