Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Arrived Wed morning 7.30am local time, that would be 5.30pm Brisbane time.
Sleeping on planes is not totally successful however after leaving Abu Dharbi we didn't  even try to watch anything just settle down and close the eyes.  Not sure that we actuallyslept but rest would be a better description.
Arriving at our hotel about 9.30 was certainly too early to check in so were able to leave ourbags and set off for a walk.  Our hotel, Cassidys, is just a few minutes walk from the centre of the city so finding somewhere for a cuppa was not hard.  Even had a lady from WA  join us and we chatted for quite a while.   She is here on her own, has attended a wedding and driven around for a couple of weeks by herself and gave us a few tips, like thr locals are not fond of using blinkers so something to be aware of.
The temp was a little chilly and there was quite a strong breeze blowing so after visiting the tourist bureau we decided to head back and just sit and wait for our room out of the cold.
Yeh the luck was with us and the room was ready so now we are all showered after about 43hrs since we left home and someone is even having a snooze, at 2.30pm.
Lots of cafes etc just down the road so lots of choice this evening for dinner.
Having the exit row seats all the way really helped make the trip more comfortable for Lawrie so with only one more flight in the whole trip there is nothing to worry about.
Tomorrow we are booked for the 'hop on hop off bus around the city and doing it online gave an additional discount to us 'seniors'!
Not sure how loading photos from the tablet is going to go but at least I can write about our fun.

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