Wednesday, May 22, 2013


The drive up into Scotland from Whitehaven took us first to the edge of Carlisle and then acrosthe border to Greta where the English lads and lasses used to run to in order to marry without parents consent.  History says it was to the blacksmiths workshop where the marriage was performed.The building has been transformed into a gift shop cafe etc and is a popular tourist attraction.
After leaving Gretna we headed further west and made our way north following the coast of Scotland.  There had been mist all the way and it looked as if it wanted to rain but it was just grey. The coastline was quite rugged and the small villages we passed through were usually tucked down between or behind hills to provide protection from the winds that would come from the Atlantic. I would imagine that fine clear days would be few and far between.
The hills were green and there were white sheep everywhere, a spinners delight.
We finally drove out of the mist and into sunshine that made the car quite warm.  However it was not to last and as we journeyed further and came right beside the coast near Garvin I could only think of the line 'the mist rolling in from the sea' from Mull of Kintyre by the Beatles. You really could see it happening. There were ferries that crossed from here over to Belfast in Northern Ireland and was evidently a major crossing for trucks as we saw lines of semi's coming and waiting to load.
Our road along the coast was quite good compared to some we have travelled since leaving home. Drivers still speeding but seems to be the norm here.
One big difference vor the touring driver here is that unlike home you don't drive into a new village or town and find the local Lions, Apex or Rotary park and the usual block of toilets. They are almost non existant over here. If you do see a sign for a WC they are probably locked even though the sign on the door says 'open 10am to 8pm'.
It seems here you have to visit the local pub or cafe and hope they don't mind. We are calling into more McDonalds than usual but out in the remote areas they are few and far between.  This would be our biggest headache so far I guess but no big problem really. We just have to adjust to their ways.
We have been making good use of being able to download maps to my tablet to help us find our way to our hotels. McDonalds do not have wifi over here it is some KFC's and another coffee chain but out of the main towns it is non existant so as we travel further north in the next few days we will find it a bit more remote. After all we will be heading for the 'Highlands'.
Yesterday we went into Glasgow by train (about 40mins from here) and then enjoyed a ride on the city sights tour bus. The day was fine and sunny (till the last 5 mins) so I was able totake lots of photos from our seats at the top in the open air. Just a shame I cannot get them up to the blog but so be it. The tour lasted for nearly 2hrs and we really enjoyed it. After lunch we then did a free guided tour of the City Hall and wow!! The building is 125yrs old and was built in just 5 yrs but the attention to detail is fantastic. The architect was a local but very influenced by the Italian style of the day so there is lots of marble and mosaic tiles used. The domed ceiling is Wedgewood and is magic. The ceilings on all 4 floors are mosaic tiles and the design on the ceilings, either square or round are reflected in the tiled patternson the floor. The civic side of the building is very grand with marble used throughout whilst the 'working' side of the building has plaster panels that look like marble.
Queen Victoria opened the 'Council' as it is called and the chair she sat in is still used by the Lord High Provost to this day. This is like our Lord Mayor of the city. We were invited to sit on the chair so I took the opportunity to do so.
We had dinner last night with my friend Marion and her husband George and we  sat in a hotel bay window looking across the Clyde river as the sun disappeared behind clouds (about 9.30pm) and watched sailing boats race as we enjoyed our meal. What a delightful end to the day.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, "Gretna Green" is mentioned in Pride n Prejudice where the young'ns went to go elope. Sounds very cold and tough on the ol' bladder!!! Hope you are keeping warm and enjoying the trek so far!
