Saturday, May 25, 2013

Isle of Skye

Driving up the west coast zigging and zagging our way to Fort William for an overnight stop gave us some magic scenery, more snow last night  and sunshine late in the afternoon gave some impressive postcard views.
Fort William is on the canal system that links the lo hs and enables boats to travel from the sea at Inverness through the lochs via locks to Fort William and then out to the open water.
The weather seems to improve later in the afternoon each day as we have driven in bright sunshine for the last few days. The sun glasses have had to come out so that has been a change.
Leaving Fort William we headed further north, really into highland country now, and headed west to Kyle of Lochlash. There is a bridge there across to Skye and the scenery up through the Great Glen heading west was just wow by ten.  The mountains are just so rugged and the lakes are so numerous that you twist and turn and there is another postcard view around the next corner and we just continued to ooooh and aaah at each turn. The little villages are mostly white washed buildings that gleam in the sunshine and the sparkle of the waves on the lochs, well what can I say but wow.
We have arrived in Inverness the northern most city in Scotland and tomorrow we explore.
Petrol is around £1.40 per litre up here so only about 8 pennies more than down in Glasgow so not too bad.
Lawrie is happy with the way the car is going, he just wishes it had a little more oooomph when he wants to overtake but otherwise it is ok.  We have done nearly 1000 miles since coming over from Ireland so still plenty to go.

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