Monday, May 20, 2013

The Lakes continued

well as I was trying to say and the blog gods has a hissy fit, put together two directions of traffic, narrow roads, joggers, runners, walkers and what do you think it would be like?  Yes that is as bad as it got.
Anyway we did enjoy our day out and now back at the hotel in time to get ready for a roast dinner (with dessert for you know who) .

Tomorrow we head further north into Scotland for three days near Glasgow and the chance to meet up with my friend Marion I met in 2006 and stayed with in 2007 on my first visit to Scotland.
On that note , Happy Birthday little sis for the 20th and you can open the packet now!!

1 comment:

  1. I can promise you that she still hadn't opened it Sunday night (19th)... think she's finally following orders???!!
