Monday, August 26, 2013

FIJI getting close to home

We are ashore in Fiji today and taking advantage of a cafe with wifi.

Our time is drawing to a close and you wonder where the time has gone.  We crossed the Equator and received a certificate and yesterday we crossed the International Date Line and have officially lost the 25th Aug as we went from the 24th to today the 26th so we have another certificate to celebrate that.

As we were here in Fiji just in March we are just strolling around trying to avoid the folk on the streets trying to entice you into their stores.  With the ship in they are out in force so we are being kept busy.

Our choir performs tomorrow enroute to Auckland so rehearsals are in earnest now.  I had to round up a white t shirt in Pago Pago to complete my uniform so now I am all ready.  They took the official choir photo the day before Pago Pago so I had to wear a t shirt back to front so I had a plain white top!!!  More than one way to achieve the desired result, but it was uncomfortable and not the way to go.

I have included a photo of our latest towel fella courtesy of our steward.  They are so clever and must practice for ages to create all the different animals they can make.

Also a photo of the Police band playing at the quay when we arrived.
We have 2 days at sea to Auckland then 2 days ashore there and at Bay of Islands before 2 sea days back to Sydney and the end of the line so hopefully I will be able to keep the blog going till then.

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