Wednesday, August 7, 2013


What a great place to stay.  San Diego is easy to get around, public transport both electric trolley and buses run frequently and certainly went where we wanted to go.
The main industry is Military and Tourism is number 3 (can't remember what was number 2).

We visited the world famous Zoo and also Seaworld.  As long as you are willing to queue (for tickets, free bus tour around the zoo, food, bathrooms, to see the pandas) then you can have a great day.  The zoo and Seaworld are both open from 9am to 9pm each day during the summer and they are each certainly even a 2 day visit at least.  We only had one day at each so had to pick and choose what we would see.

It was a no brainer to choose the pandas, the bus tour around 70% of the park which from the top gave us excellent views of many of the animals (especially the elephants and giraffes). We were fortunate with the pandas as we were lined up for nearly 30 mins and slowly shuffling along the path, and when we finally made it to the enclosure the panda mum and her cub were just being let out after food had been placed in their enclosure so that was great timing.  Felt worth the wait.

Our day at Seaworld again was restricted by time as we also needed to fit in our 2hr harbour cruise as we head out tomorrow.  We again cherry picked what we wanted to see and made sure we were seated for the first Orca show and then the dolphin show was also a must.  We also were able to watch the sea otters, penquins and the baluga whales (that are all white).  We also saw the polar bear but that had been much better at the zoo the day before.  At Seaworld he was asleep but at the zoo he was swimming around and playing with his toys.  We were able to watch him both above and below the water so hopefully the photos are going to be ok.  Didn't take my tablet with us just used the little digital one instead.

Our harbour cruise late this afternoon was indeed enjoyable, we could stay sitting down!
We cruised the south harbour where many of the 70 naval ships that call San Diego home are moored.  These included cruisers, destroyers and the nuclear powered US Ronald Regan an aircraft carrier along with supply ships and a hospital ship the Mercy.  Our commentator said the Ronald Regan would not need to be refuelled for 22 yrs!  We also passed under the Coronado bridge which is similar to our Brisbane Gateway but not as high.  Coronado is the wealthy part of San Diego with waterfront blocks starting around 3million for the dirt.

Our cruise in the northern part of the harbour took us near a seal colony and past the Coastguard and Navy bases as well as giving great views of the city skyline and taking us near to the mouth of the harbour and the Pacific Ocean.  To the south lay Mexico just 12 miles away.

All in all we have enjoyed our stay here and it is the first city that has not had the city bustle and hustle.

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