Saturday, August 17, 2013

HAWAII - Honolulu

Well here we are in Hawaii after 4 days at sea after leaving San Pedro, the port area of LA. The seas have been calm and the weather fine so no complaints from us about conditions.

Along with lots of desserts and a craft group we are two happy sailors.  There is no reason to be bored as there are lots of activities always happening and you can be as involved as you like.  We have both borrowed books from the library and I have also joined the choir for a performance before arriving back into Sydney so plenty of time for me to learn the songs.

We have an inside cabin so no windows but you only want to sleep and shower there as the many lounges and outside seating areas are inviting.

The photos show us leaving San Pedro and then about to exit the harbour to the open ocean.  We also received a 'friend' to share our cabin with us courtesy of our steward.  On our Alaskan cruise there had been a different one each night but only one has surfaced this time.

The floral display was a bon voyage gift from my sister and a lovely surprise when it was delivered.  Thanks Julie it was a lovely thought especially after your surprise phone call the evening before!!

On our way to the pier in the shuttle bus we called and picked up two women from Auckland who had flown in the night before (from Auckland) just to take the cruise home.  Not sure how awake they were after their long flight and the big time change but guess they are all rested up now and enjoying the cruise.

Whilst we were away we were always drawn when hearing an Aussie accent however onboard the majority of passengers are 
Aussie so now it is unusial to hear another tongue.  The crew are mainly 
Asian and they speak their own tongue to each other but speak fairly good english but have trouble with some of our sayings and side comments. 

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