Thursday, August 1, 2013


Well what is there to say except glitz, glitz and then more glitz.
We have a magic corner room, no make that suite as we have a kitchen and lounge along with a bedroom and bathroom and even a washer and dryer so yeh all the washing is now done.

The view from the windows is magic especially at night and sunrise and sunset.

It is very hot here and has been over 105 each day so not very comfortable for moving around so have stayed in the air conditioning other than going for a walk this afternoon.   Wandered through the Bellagio hotel and lobby and was amazed by the gardens within.  Beautiful hydrangeas, sunflowers, petunias and then there was the birdhouse with numerous varieties of finches and small colourful birds.  Just wonderful.   I didn't have the tablet with me for photos so only have them on my digital camera.  We wandered around and entered another couple of the hotels to awe about the lobby interiors but after watching the Bellagio's dancing fountains we decided to head back to our mansion and just chill.  Is so good not to be on the way every day.

However having said that we are off back to LA tomorrow afternoon for a couple of nights and then down to San Diego for our last adventure before cruising home out of LA on 10th Aug.

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