Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Swan Hill stopover

paddle steamer on the Murray at Mannum
Leaving Walker Flat we drove downriver to Mannum where we crossed the Murray via ferry.  Lovely park just over the river so enjoyed our lunch there before driving on and finally finding a 'suitable' camp spot at Parilla near the grain silos.  There was the usual pub and a shop across the road but hot showers and toilets in the park for travellers.  We had travelled through a few 'silo' villages along the way and this one certainly was a pleasant spot to stay overnight.
Next day on again across the Mallee highway driving between various grain crops in varying colours of green to yellow.  Many more grain silos beside the never ending railway line.  You can only imagine what it would have been like to head out into these areas for those early settlers.

Looking back at Mannum as we headed east
Leaving Parilla we drove just a short distance to the SA/Vic border and headed for our Victorian adventure.  Driving through Ouyen and on to Swan Hill where we were making our base for the next couple of days.
giant Murray Cod at Swan Hill (had been a prop for a movie)

exploring the main street of the Pioneer Settlement

yes and there was a bakery....that we visited

we even took a ride on the 'bus'

and of course had our photo taken to record our visit

Friday, October 26, 2012

scenes from the Murray River

we have enjoyed two days here beside the Murray at Walker Flat.
Lots of different craft travel past so here are a few alternatives for seeing the mighty Murray.

one of our 'free' camping partners for the night

not quite as elegant but oh the stories this one could probably tell

an option for the very fit
also stayed the night camped near us

Thursday, October 25, 2012

camping beside the Murray River

Lock 1 on the Murray at Blanchetown SA
riverboats at Blanchetown
We are out in the country again and drove from Gawler out through Mt Pleasant (with a bakery to die for) with a morning tea stop and then on to Walkers Flat beside the Murray River.  Just a general store and a ferry crossing and boat ramp so we have set ourselves up here on a cool windy day, but then......what should come down the river but the Murray Princess paddle boat.
the mighty Murray from Manfred's Lookout at Walker Flat

                                                   the Murry Princess at Walker Flat
what a view and oh the sound of her horns as she approached the ferry crossing just along the river!!

ain't life great?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Adelaide...well Gawler actually

Arrived here on Monday and arranged with our neice to assist in the planning of the surprise visit to Lawrie's sister and brother-in-law.  They have recently moved down here to SA from the NT after 39yrs up there. 
Knowing we were travelling we had become a little vague about where we were headed and were actually able to spring a successful surprise on Monday afternoon.  Thanks Linda (their daughter) for all your help.
Well I was just being fair to both sides of the family as I have done the same thing to my sister in Perth, twice now so this time it was Lawrie's side instead.
It has been fun to catch up with family over these three days and tomorrow we head off back out of town, heading to Mount Pleasant (fantastic bakery with cherry cheesecake discovered last year) before heading out a little more to find a freebie for a few nights.  Being in a caravan park is great but nothing beats being in the 'bush'.
This has been 'half way' in our trip and we now head back towards Brisbane.  The roads less travelled are the plan as like last year it is all about the journey, not the destination.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lake Bonney SA

Lake Bonney at Barmera in South Australia
What a magic spot to camp for a couple of nights.
Fishing, water skiing and sailing were going on during the weekend.

Lake Popiltah – Wentworth – Renmark - Lake Bonney

Free camping beside the lake, convergence of the mighty Darling and Murray Rivers at Wentworth and then another lakeside water view at Barmera all contributes to making our overnight stays on this trip so memorable.

Murray to the right and Darling to the left at Wentworth NSW

Wentworth gaol built 1879 - 81 and the first Aust designed.
It was used until 1927 and then utilised as extra classrooms for the Wentworth Central School till 1963.
Imagine sitting in a classroom here??
P S Ruby undergoing restoration
She was built in 1907 and transported passengers and cargo between Euchuca, Mildura, Wentworth and Goolwa.
She was given a new hull and her steam engine was operational in time for her 100th birthday

First tractor monument in the world at Wentworth NSW
Was erected by the people to honour the role the TEA20 Harry Ferguson tractor played in building the massive levee banks that protected the town against the devastating 1956 floods.
Renmark was celebrating the Rose Festival and oh wow, those roses were just magic and everywhere.  We thought they had been good previously but here they were just fantastic. 


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Broken Hill - Silverton

What a great place to visit.  Living Desert, art galleries, beautiful old buildings, friendly residents, spectacular landscapes and the most beautiful roses blooming everywhere.
sunrise from my front window

some locals out at the Living Desert

Sculptures in the Desert
selected sculptors from around the world worked in sandstone from Wilcannia over a 6 week period in 1993

mother and child

Lawrie and a 'mate'

one of the two murals at the railway station

the Indian Pacific coming into town after travelling from Perth

Mundi Mundi plains (west of Silverton)

Broken Hills water supply

Silverton 'locals' (this was in town)

some of the most painted buildings in Silverton
Church, some galleries and the old Masonic Lodge Hall

something to do with your spare bottle tops

Mad Max vehicles at Silverton

hotel built 1885

3 of about 10 'wild' horses outside Silverton
hooves were broken and the mane on last horse was very 'patchy'

Bell's milk bar in South Broken Hill
milkshakes and spiders of any flavour were on offer

some other 'travellers' at the Miners Monument on the Line of Load

the 'big chair' up on the Line of Load

one of the quaint old style homes found in Broken Hill

looking down onto the heart of town from the Line of Load lookout
We have had 3 nights here in town and thoroughly enjoyed every minute.