Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Broken Hill - Silverton

What a great place to visit.  Living Desert, art galleries, beautiful old buildings, friendly residents, spectacular landscapes and the most beautiful roses blooming everywhere.
sunrise from my front window

some locals out at the Living Desert

Sculptures in the Desert
selected sculptors from around the world worked in sandstone from Wilcannia over a 6 week period in 1993

mother and child

Lawrie and a 'mate'

one of the two murals at the railway station

the Indian Pacific coming into town after travelling from Perth

Mundi Mundi plains (west of Silverton)

Broken Hills water supply

Silverton 'locals' (this was in town)

some of the most painted buildings in Silverton
Church, some galleries and the old Masonic Lodge Hall

something to do with your spare bottle tops

Mad Max vehicles at Silverton

hotel built 1885

3 of about 10 'wild' horses outside Silverton
hooves were broken and the mane on last horse was very 'patchy'

Bell's milk bar in South Broken Hill
milkshakes and spiders of any flavour were on offer

some other 'travellers' at the Miners Monument on the Line of Load

the 'big chair' up on the Line of Load

one of the quaint old style homes found in Broken Hill

looking down onto the heart of town from the Line of Load lookout
We have had 3 nights here in town and thoroughly enjoyed every minute.

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