Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Swan Hill stopover

paddle steamer on the Murray at Mannum
Leaving Walker Flat we drove downriver to Mannum where we crossed the Murray via ferry.  Lovely park just over the river so enjoyed our lunch there before driving on and finally finding a 'suitable' camp spot at Parilla near the grain silos.  There was the usual pub and a shop across the road but hot showers and toilets in the park for travellers.  We had travelled through a few 'silo' villages along the way and this one certainly was a pleasant spot to stay overnight.
Next day on again across the Mallee highway driving between various grain crops in varying colours of green to yellow.  Many more grain silos beside the never ending railway line.  You can only imagine what it would have been like to head out into these areas for those early settlers.

Looking back at Mannum as we headed east
Leaving Parilla we drove just a short distance to the SA/Vic border and headed for our Victorian adventure.  Driving through Ouyen and on to Swan Hill where we were making our base for the next couple of days.
giant Murray Cod at Swan Hill (had been a prop for a movie)

exploring the main street of the Pioneer Settlement

yes and there was a bakery....that we visited

we even took a ride on the 'bus'

and of course had our photo taken to record our visit

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