Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bollen - DIrranbandi

The 102km to Dirranbandi that we knew included some dirt road was not as bad as we had expected.   There was only about a third of the road still dirt and that was in 3 sections.   There had only been one section of ‘rocky’ gravel, the rest was mainly sandy corrugations and it was the cattle grids that sometimes became the worst ‘bumps’.  We took it steady, stopped for a cuppa of course and took just under 3 hours to travel to our next stop. 
part of the 'dirt' road

About 20km out of Dirranbandi we came across a mob of mustered cattle being ‘sorted’ in some yards.  It seemed they were being readied for transport.  The stockmen were up on the sides of the pens amid the dust from the milling cattle.  Unfortunately the road just there was fairly narrow and there wasn’t anywhere we could have parked safely to watch them continue their interesting work.

We set up our camp beside the Balonne Minor river which had plenty of water and also plenty of carp.  The man however has sworn off fishing so we’ll see what happens to the remaining bait in the freezer.  We spent the night by ourselves but were within sight of the lights of Dirranbandi so next morning it was only a short drive to check out the ‘town’.  Probably about 50 houses, couple of shops, service station and that was about it that we could see.
someone at Cunnamulla had a sense of being 'unique' in signage

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