Monday, October 1, 2012


Arriving here we found the campsite beside the Wallum Creek.  What a lovely litlle village and the amenities provided for travellers are terrific.  Well done to the townsfolk and shire council.  Lovely shaded area beside the creek, plenty of room, drinkable water at a couple of taps, dump point for the 'necessaries', toilets and showers for those without that convenience built in.  What more could travellers want.
There is a hotel, post office, bush nurse, cafe cum general store, produce store selling fresh vegies (cheap) and a garage for petrol or diesel.  Probably about 20 homes in town, wide streets and soooooo quiet.
We have settled ourselves here beside the creek and have decided to stay till the end of the Qld school hols so that will give us about a week and a half here in this relaxing spot.
Weather so far has been great with a dusty wind on Friday afternoon followed by showers on Sat morning but since then beautiful clear skies with a cool breeze blowing.  Full moon at night has meant that it almost looks like daylight outside with our shadows standing out clearly.  Just magic.
Needless to say we are enjoying ourselves immensely.
Did some washing yesterday and also completed spinning and plying two skeins of wool.  They are also washed out now and put away in the 'finished' box.  Still plenty to go however.  Also made a braided bracelet out of embroidery cotton for something different over the weekend.
One of the campers here (there are over a dozen each day) has a satellite dish and a group of folk joined him yesterday for the NRL grand final.  We have heard this morning that during the night he fell over and broke his collarbone and is now in hospital in St George.  Hope to see him and his wife back here soon.  Not going to be much fun for him for a few weeks I should guess.
Lswrie had a try at fishing in the creek.  Lots of carp there, they swim near the top looking at you.  We have been told that you can catch them on corn niblets so maybe he might give it a go for something to do during our stay.  Needless to say I have lots of crafty things that I can pull out to amuse myself.

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