Saturday, October 6, 2012

Still at Bollon

Well the last week and a half have been so pleasant sitting here beside the creek, listening to the various birds, kingfishers, cranes, happy families (apostle birds), willy wagtails, parrots to name just a few.  There is even a pair of brolgas living at the waterhole behind us.  We can hear there loud calls during the day and have seen them around the waterhole.
Have to announce that there have been no fish caught!!! however the float and sinker did get caught on a tree branch earlier in the week and only today did they get removed (make that recovered).  I believe the comment on returning from the uneventful (and unsuccessful) fishing foray was 'this fishing is for mugs'!!
I on the other hand have read book after book after book.  The weather has been quite warm and during the day there is not a lot of desire to take out the knittng, spinning or tatting however picking up a book is a lot less stressful.  Hopefully there will be another book exchange at the caravan park when we reach Lightning Ridge on Monday.
We have learnt to appreciate the ABC radio out here, it is the only station that is reasonably clear, and have to accept that there will be no viewing of Bathurst tomorrow despite it being the 50th anniversary.
Good news was that our fellow camper did not break anything, just disloated his shoulder.  The folk camped beside him were both ambulance officers so he had 'first aid' immediately and was all settled when the ambulance finally arrived from St George.  His vehicle was manual so when he left a couple of days later he was having fun trying to change gears.  Guess the missus didn't drive.  Bit of a lesson there I guess.
We will be heading out of here tomorrow (Sunday) and driving down to Dirranbandi, about 102km away so not a long trip.  Just as well as the weather will probably continue a little warm so short drives are the order of the day.

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