Saturday, June 15, 2013

as I was saying.........

After visiting the Abbey (which could have been a whole day in itself) we visited the Royal Mews to check out the royal carriages that are still in use today for state occasios. The horses that were on view were the main attraction for Lawrie and he was able to chat with some of the staff there amidst the stables.
The coaches are works of art in themselves and the art work and paint finish is all hand done by craftsmen using skills that have been handed down through generations.
The queen's coach is always pulled by greys and all others by bay/chocolate coloured horses.  She is very involved with overseeing the breeding of the carriage horses and she also chooses the name for each one.

Finally our time in London had to come to an end and after an early morning next day we were on our way to New York.

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