Saturday, June 15, 2013


Our final day in the vibrant city saw us again riding the tube to visit St Pauls Cathedral.
This  a lso is the 4th building on this site and this one was designed by Christopher Wren and took 200 yrs to complete between the 11th and 12th centuries.  Various kings made additions through the years with various chapels etc to honour various members of their families for example.
The architecture is amazing and the decoration incredible. You are not allowed to take any photos inside the building the same as Westminster Abbey which was our next stopping point. I did an audio tour at both buildings and found the stories very interesting. The various kings and queens buried there bring to reality some of the stories we have heard. Visiting these places make me wish that I had beenmore interested in history all those years ago as now my memory is having trouble remembering the sequence of royals and who did what to who!

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