Sunday, June 2, 2013

York cnt

Just another gremlin.....
As I was saying, or trying to, the first cathedral was built in 620AD so the history is long and varied.
St Cuthberts church was built in the 1200's and has a small door on one side called the 'devils door'.  When christenings were being held this door was opened to'let the devil out'.

The visible walls around York were built in 1220 as the original walls were wood. The mounds on which the walls stand were built however in 900 by the Danes.
In York the streets are 'gates', the gates into the city are 'bars' and the bars are 'pubs'.
So you really have to be careful what you ask for!

There are buildings where you can see that the windows have been bricked up. There was a time when there was a tax on the number of windows you have and if the tax wasn't paid the town officials came and bricked up your windows, hence the term 'daylight robbery'.
York is known for being a chocolate town as chocolate has been made here since 1707 with two families, the Jukes and Rowntree families establishing factories in the city.  Both families were Quakers and introduced improved working conditions for their employees and their families.  They were the first to introduce a pension scheme and at night Mrs Rowntree ran schools for the employees and their family so as they could have an education. Rowntree still produce Kit Kats in York.
The other chocolate factory closed in 2007 and their product is now made in Poland.
Mickelgate Bar is the main entrance into the city and all royalty that has visited the city has entered by this gate, even the current queen makes her way to this gate to obtain the permission of the Lord Mayor before entering.  Traditionally this was the entrance way where the heads of those found guilty of major crimes were put on pikes to act as a warning to to others back in the 1700's.
You could easily spens a week here alone and we finished our day with a meal in a pub

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