Monday, June 10, 2013

to LONDON continued

Well the tablet gremlin caught up with me again or it may be the blog gremlin but anyway when all else fails just 'restart' as they say in the business!
Never mind that I was confused when we were in Bath as it was NOT Saturday at all but Friday and then on to Newbridge near Oxford on Saturday and then into here on the Sunday.   Must be tourist fatigue setting in or navigation fatigue for sure.
We sat with the map on Saturday night and planned our journey to return the car at Marble Arch like a military operation. Not that we were worried about driving into THIS city toooooo much!
Anyway at least it wasn't raining and with us both looking at every sign and lane marking we made it to the street we needed and just had to loop the block a second time to actually find the narrow driveway down which you returned the car. Whew we had done it and all in one piece.  2985 miles in total since crossing to Holyhead just over 3 weeks ago.  We had enjoyed the countryside and the beautiful scenery and the many shades of green.  Now we can sit back and let others do all the driving and navigating whilst we just enjoy.
It is early morning here now and time for breakfast so we can then start our 3 day exploration of London. Our hotel is here in Earls Court so we went wandering yesterday afternoon and found that the next street is full of shops and cafes etc so there is an endless variety of food on offer so look out London we are on our way.

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