Sunday, June 30, 2013


and melting snow and in winter the top 6 ft freezes and is then covered by snow.  This area is within the Jasper National Park and the lake is surrounded by mountains with snow on top at this moment. On our way up to the lake we saw elk and deer and then to top it off there was a black bear enjoying afternoon tea near the side of the road.  Wow what a camera shot.  Then we had a cruise on the lake, 160ft deep mostly with a part that is over 300ft deep. Dinner was in the restaurant at the lake so then on the trip back down the mountain what could top it off better than big horn sheep and then........a pair of moose with huge antlers.  Talk about a day, it could not have been better.
A good nights sleep in a bed that didn't move and now we are ready for our ride down the river by raft this morning. We will then be back to the hotel and change into dry clothes before doing the laundry.  Yep some things still have to be done.

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