Wednesday, June 26, 2013

notice of internet interruptions

well we are here at Toronto train station waiting to board our train to start the journey across Canada.
We are not sure when we will have wifi along the trip as we will be 'remote' for a while.
Our train journey from Washington yesterday went well and we were only delayed an hourbecause of heat on the rails and the speed had to lowered to 59mph instead of 79mph.
The train seats were comfortable and we had lots of room.  It will be interesting to see what our cabin on the train will be like for the next 3 days but we are looking forward to it all.
This tour group is more multinational than the last but there are some Aussies and also NZ.
Had some rain today for our trip to Niagara however riding on 'the maid of the mist' was going to make us wet anyway but we did avoid getting wet so that was good.  Lawrie has been fighting a cold with a cough giving him a hard time but finally he is coming good but we certainly didn't want him getting wet if we could help it. All aboard now for the trip we have really been looking forward to.

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