Monday, June 3, 2013

Dover 'cnt

The Dartford bridge with a toll of 2 pounds carried all the traffic from north to south across the river and the Dartford Tunnel carries all the traffic going from south to north. The plan had originally been to have the tunnel carry both directions however the level of traffic was so heavy that the flow was changed to all lanes going the same way.

Once over the bridge we were not long to turn for Canterbury and head down into Kent.

Lovely green fields roll in all directions and more flowering Rapeseed fields pass us by.  Having successfully negotiated a part of the trip I had been dreading we took advantage of one of the 'services' stops along the motorway and celebrated our success with a cuppa and a muffin. Such decadence!!
Our stay for the next 2 nights is a guest house on the outer edge of Dover but from where we can easily visit the 'white cliffs' and also the village where my great great grandfatherwas born. He became a Master Mariner (captain) and sailed to Austalia in 1853 bringing his pregnant wife and 4yr old son with him as he captained the ship safely to Port Melbourne where he stayed for a couple of years before moving to Newcastle in NSW.  Just6 days out from land his wife gave birth to his second son my g grandfather named John (after his grandfather), Stanhope (the name of the ship), Otway (the first land sighted after his birth) Lott. This name has continued down through the family to this current day.

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