Saturday, June 22, 2013


On July 1 1863 the Confederate and Union armies met at Gettysburg by chance. What ensued determined theUSA as we know it today.  On July 3 General Lee advanced 12000 Confederate troups in an attack known as 'Picketts Charge'. The attack failed and cost Lee over 5000 soldiers in one hour.  The battle of Gettysburg was over.  This battle sawmore men killed than any other battle before or since on American soil,  23000 from the Union army and 28000 from the Confederates in just three days.
Each state has erected a monument to their fallen sons and there are various other monuments also.  The whole area is a national monument and there are still some of the original buildings in the town where every building at the time became a hospital or shelter for the wounded.  I guess Gettysburg is to the Americans like Gallipoli is to Australia but on their own shore.
Today we leave York and head to visit an Amish farm before going on to Washington for two nights.

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