Sunday, June 30, 2013


Well what can I say, the last three nights and two days have been amazing.
Yes our cabin was small, I had the top bunk (my choice) and plenty of food a and great scenery.
We had had dinner at the CN Tower before going to the station and at 556ft with a relvoving restaurant and a clear evening who could complain.  The view was magic and w
I even stood on the glass floor to look down.  Lawrie not so comfortable with heights even put one foot on and then looked down so bravo to him.
Just like every good partnership we are sharing the cold as well.  Lawrie seems to be having a tougher time chasing the cough but at least it isn't as bad as it was.  Mine has gone straight to my chest so I certainly try not to cough too much cause it hurts! Not to worry we are really fine just a little miserable at times.
However we did enjoy our train ride and during our stop for a crew change in Winnipeg we went for a bus tour around the city.  We were back just in time to board the train and continue with the journey.  The dome cars are great for scenery watching but oh so cold with the air conditioning.  We would go up there for only a short time and then come back down to warm up.  Of course that doesn't help the coughs at all.
We arrived in Jasper early afternoon yesterday and then went for a drive up to Maligne Lake which is 5200ft above sea level. The water in the lake is the most beautiful blue so the postcards have not been retouched.  The lake is fed by glaciers

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