Monday, June 3, 2013

Down to DOVER

After our great time in York it was time to head further south. Our destination was Sutton Bridge a small village just north of Kings Lynn in Lancashire.
Our drive took us through what we decided must be part of England's food bowl. We saw fields in all directions under crops and fields of Rapeseed in flower giving us a golden field when the sun broke through clouds to shine on it. We had thought it was Canola and maybe it is by another name but the sight of bright yellow field after field was lovely to see.
If the fields were not yellow they were green, no signs of drought or dry land here.
We did not do any detours and just stuck to the main highway to arrive at our B&B by mid afternoon. We were happy to stay put for the rest of the afternoon and enjoyed a chat with the managers who have been caravanners (their van now for sale) and an evening of doing not much at all.  That is other than studying maps to check out how to achieve our goals the next day.
We used to watch a show on ABC a few years ago called 'Jimmy's Farm' which was about a young chap setting out to save a breed of pig that was under threat of extinction and all the dramas and fun he had trying to achieve his dream of having a self sufficient farm. We had followed his story and decided that as we were coming over here we were going to visit his farm. Well we achieved our goal today and had a roast dinner in the restaurant on the farm and even sat and chatted to Jimmy and one of his long term staff who is still with him.

After having found our way to Wherestead we then had to make our way to Dover and this looked as though it would be a test for the nerves as we had to come west as far as the ring road around the edge of London before we could head south east to Dover. The real test came as we approached the Dartford Bridge to cross the Thames river along with a cazillion other motorists planning to do the same thing. Fortunately with all that traffic no-one could move fast so there was more time to look at the signs etc

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