Sunday, June 30, 2013

Rafting down the Athabasca River

Clear day and 12 intrepid souls (none American) set out for an adventure rafting (rubber duckie) 16km down the river.  The bus took us out and along the way we saw 2 elk beside the road just grazing.
Fitted with yellow plastic ponchos and then life jackets, we tentatively climb aboard before being pushed off with our guide cum captain of the raft.
The river seems to be running fast and our guide advised that during the winter the water level drops considerably and then the top few feet are frozen with metres of snow then on top of that.
We face our first set of rapids (well that is what they are called) and with much laughter and a little splashing to some the journey continues in the same way as we admire the scenery, seek wildlife (and see some deer) and lots of campers along the river as this is a long weekend for Canada day on Monday.
We experience going into a whirlpool and getting through some more intrepid rapids.  The 16km is done too soon and there is the bus and our tour guide waiting for us on the bank.  We had crossed under a bridge and had our photo taken so that might be a souvenier photo we might get.  It is a popular thing this taking your photo as you enter an attraction and then having it on offer as you leave.  Tower Bridge in London, CN Tower in Toronto, boat trip at Niagara as well as the walk behind the falls.  There is only so much room in these two suitcases and we still have another bus tour to do where our luggage is restricted.

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